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Online Groups

Participate in one or both sessions:

Both at 8:30-10:00pm ET (5:30-7:00pm Pacific)


5 Mondays: 

January 14, 22, 28, Feb 4, 11



For people who want to ...

  • learn and share as a group about the awakening process

  • Grow rapidly

  • Integrate what they already know

  • Become more established in their Essence.



  • Definitions and maps of awakening

  • Different systems for spiritual expansion

  • Neurobiology and quantum physics and you

  • Enthusiasm and joy

  • Conscious relationships

  • Self compassion and forgiveness 

  • Shadow work

  • Grow up, wake up, clean up and show up

  • Opening the heart


There is much to gain from online community sharing

  • Community brings on exponential growth.

  • There is a wonderful sense of belonging to each other as we explore life.  

  • It’s a very effective way for cultivating the feeling the Oneness. 

  • It uplifts your week.

  • It supports a focus you are choosing. 

  • It leads you to fresh new ideas for your life.

  • An opportunity to bring yourself forward and gift others.

  • Exploring where you are in your development and where your’d like to take it next.

  • Exposure to new resources and plenty of inspiration.

  • Accountability in your commitments (material and spiritual commitments)

  • Preparing for the new year and getting clarity about what you would like to invoke next in your soul’s journey

  • Increase joy and enthusiasm for being alive.


How does it work?

  • We will meet once a week on zoom and share about our learning.

  • We will have prompts and material to look at during the week.

  • We will be paired up with other members for a 20 minute call during the week to engage with the ideas we are looking at together.

  • During and after the course you will have met new friends to go deeper with.  

  • You will be able to continue supporting and sharing on a Facebook page just for our group.


How much does it cost?

  • $100.00 


(If you are enthusiastic about the offering but money is a barrier, just let me know and we can arrange something or you can just pay it forward.  I’m wanting to give my gifts as much as possible.) 


Who is hosting the group?

My name is Monique Gauthier, M.Ed. I am a mother of two daughters, a transformative educator, midwife and spiritual counsellor.  My spiritual counselling work is based on my own personal experience and being a life long student of A Course in Miracles, Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, numerous spiritual teachers, and trainings. I’ve guided students to ecovillages such as Findhorn in Scotland, Auroville (and Arunachula) in India, and Plum Village in France for transformative semester-long study abroad programs. I have been a CPM (certified professional midwife) and RM (registered midwife) in the U.S. and Canada and have attended births for 30 years.  At this time of transition in the world, many of us are moving from information gathering and philosophy to actually walking our spiritual talk. This embodiment has been my focus.  I am passionate about our human potential and our evolution to the peaceful world of our dreams. I believe that the raising of consciousness is the key to our healing of this planet into Great Beauty. 


 Register Now 



   85 Baker Rd.  Shutesbury, MA U.S.A 01072

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